Senior IT Manager
- Struggling to outperform peers in a competitive work environment
- Constant fear of losing career position despite career achievements
- Frequent workplace conflicts
Challenges Before Coaching
- Easily triggered by demanding stakeholders
- Easily triggered by staff who do not meet expectations
- Reacting in conflicts and challenges
- Anger management issues
- Blunt communication
- Highly objective without empathy
- Severe headaches when performing under stress
- Burnt out for 8 years
Results After Coaching
- More reflective during stakeholders meeting
- More patient with team members and peers
- Reflect instead of exploding anger
- Able to communicate effectively without triggers
- Start to empathise with colleagues
- Take physical & mental health seriously
- Commit to being supported by Christine to recover from the long effects from being burnt out
Why our program works for you
- You will get individualised clarity of your exact career paths with the highest success rates
- Identify your internal conflicts clearly for the first time. It will give you the clarity you are looking for all this while.
- Understand your needs and wants at a very deep level through our Identity Psychology-based coaching.
- The impact of our coaching are rapid yet sustainable through the next phase of your life.
- It’s always confidential